Friday 15 April 2011

Counting in Devonshire

Today finds us in a New Place Altogether. We are in Exeter, a town I've never visited before. It's lovely.

The afternoon was spent in the Cathedral. I was supposed to be looking at bosses and learning about Bishop Leofric but it was MUCH more exciting doing the Easter egg hunt round the cloisters with Evan. We counted 35 but there might have been more. He won a Cadbury Creme egg for handing his entry in and I got nothing despite looking plaintive and pleasant simultaneously.

Afterwards I tried to kill Evan to death by taking him into shops that sell clothes for women which led to a plaintive 'can I go in the corner and read a book?'' I relented and we have ended up in the cathedral close trying two types of lemonade. He has Fentiman's Victorian lemonade and I have homemade with ginger and a Secret Ingredient. I was hoping it would be gin. But I don't think it is.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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