Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Arty Farty

Modern art.

The mere words are enough to provoke fear, anger and loathing in the average person. For many, it merely conjures up Damien Hirst, Tracy Emin and Banksy (none of whom I particularly like). I'm sure that many people feel that coming to the Biennale is a waste of time, money and effort. And you know, some is. I have a particular loathing of muddy looking video installations of a bloke hitting a tuna whilst a monotone ArtNoise blare sends the viewer half mad. But it's not all like that and at this Biennale my son and I saw and interacted with some really interesting pieces. He loved it, even though the walk is a good few hot and dusty miles and the Biennale and Arsenale sites took over six hours to complete.

These are our highlights:

Arriving in style.

An interactive room where you could play with plasticine. The colours red, black & white represent the flags of many Arabic nations.

Socks and Rocks.

I loved this cash machine which played organ music when used

Excellent pun: Track and Field.

They look like old records. But look closer.

A graveyard for mobile phones.

Beautiful geometric folded card.

An interactive exhibit from Russia - fabulous for 8 year old boys.

Big Korean panels. Look carefully at the camouflage.

Robotic pieta.

My son ignoring a load of kettles and twirling instead. Frankly, fair enough.

Fabric dragon.

A melted candle man.

Brilliant for kids: a mist installation.

Enjoying art in flight.

The juxtaposition of bizarre art & Venice.

And my favourite EuroSprog graffiti from the back of the toilet doors.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Venice Biennale

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